Notre Dame University

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Notre Dame University

News and Articles

Promotion and Retention Policies

This section is based on DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 which provides the basis for promoting a pupil/student to the next grade level or for retaining a learner in the same grade level. These decisions must be applied based on evidence and judiciously.

A Final Grade of 75 or higher in all learning areas allows the pupil/student to be promoted to the next grade level. Table 1 specifies the guidelines to be followed for pupil/student promotion and retention.

Table 1. Pupil/Student Promotion and Retention


For Grades 1 to 3 Pupils

Final Grade of at least 75 in all learning areas

Promoted to the next grade level

Did Not Meet Expectations in not more than two learning areas

Must pass remedial classes for learning areas with failing mark to be promoted to the next grade level. Otherwise the pupil is retained in the same grade level.

Did Not Meet Expectations in three or more learning areas

Retained in the same grade level.

For Grades 4 to 6 Pupils

Final Grade of at least 75 in all learning  areas

Promoted to the next grade level.

Did Not Meet Expectations in not more than two learning areas

Must pass remedial classes for learning areas with failing mark to be promoted to the next grade level. Otherwise the pupil is retained in the same grade level.

Did Not Meet Expectations in three or more learning areas

Retained in the same grade level.

Must pass all learning areas in the Elementary

1. Earn the Elementary Certificate

2. Promoted to Junior High School

For Grades 1-6, a pupil who Did Not Meet Expectations in at most two learning areas must take remedial classes. Remedial classes are conducted after the Final Grades have been computed. The pupil/student must pass the remedial classes to be promoted to the next grade level. However, teachers should ensure that learners receive remediation when they earn raw scores which are consistently below expectations in Written Work and Performance Tasks by the fifth week of any quarter. This will prevent a student from failing in any learning area at the end of the year.

Summative Assessments are also given during remedial classes. These are recorded, computed, weighted, and transmuted in the same way as the Quarterly Grade. The equivalent of the Final Grade for remedial classes is the Remedial Class Mark (RCM). The Final Grade at the end of the school year and the Remedial Class Mark are averaged. This results in the Recomputed Final Grade. If the Recomputed Final Grade is 75 or higher, the pupil/student is promoted to the next grade level. However, pupil/student will be retained in the grade level if their Recomputed Final Grade is below 75.

The teacher of the remedial class issues the Certificate of Recomputed Final Grade, which is noted by the school principal. This is submitted to the division office and must be attached to both Form 137 and School Form Number 5. 

The learner can enroll in the next grade upon presentation of the certificate of Recomputed Final Grade. This Certificate can be verified in the division offices as needed.

It is an Institutional Policy not to allow a pupil to participate in the graduation or completion ceremonies if he/she still has academic deficiencies to be complied during Summer remediation.

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