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Notre Dame University

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School administrators shall maintain good school discipline inside the school campus as well as outside school premises when pupils/students are engaged in activities authorized by the school, (Sec. 132, 2010 Revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools in Basic Education). School officials and academic personnel shall have the right to exercise pupils’/students’ authority in loco-parentis by imposing appropriate and reasonable disciplinary measures in case of minor offenses or infractions of good school discipline committed in their presence. However, due process must be followed and no cruel or physical punishment shall be applied or imposed against any pupil. 


      It is a fact-finding group who is in charge of investigating, hearing, and deciding the appropriate and proportionate disciplinary measures on any pupil/student involved in misbehavior subject to Restitution, Retribution, Suspension, Exclusion and Expulsion. 

The Committee is composed of the following:

Chairman – Principal

Co-Chair  – Assistant Principal

Members:  Prefect of Discipline/ SPED Coordinator

      Class Adviser

          Guidance Counselor

            Islamic Coordinator/ CMRE Minister

      NOPTAN/ JHS and SHS PTA Representative

      DepEd Representative

      SPG President/SSG President


When a pupil commits an offense, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Immediate Responses
  2. The victim or anyone who witnesses or has personal knowledge of a bullying incident or retaliation shall immediately call the attention of any school personnel.
  1. The school personnel who was notified of a bullying incident or retaliation shall intervene, by:
  1. Stopping misbehavior, the bullying or retaliation immediately;
  2. Separating the students involved;
  3. Removing the student or, in appropriate cases, the bully or offending student, from the site;
  4. Ensuring the victim’s safety, by:
    1. Determining and addressing the victim’s immediate safety needs; 
    2. Ensuring medical attention, if needed, and securing a medical certificate, in cases of physical injury; 
  5. Bringing the bully or the offender to the Guidance Office or the designated school personnel.
  1. Documentation of the Incident for Referral 
  1. The teacher must write the offense on the anecdotal record. 
  2. The teacher concerned should note down and fill out the Student Discipline Report (SDR) with the pertinent data.
  3. The SDR should be submitted in three (3) copies to the Prefect of Discipline (POD).
  4. Before a teacher or anyone in authority writes a referral on the SDR, certain conditions must be satisfied first, the most important of which are that:
  1. The referring adviser or subject teacher has made an initial investigation to find out the immediate cause of the misconduct.
  2. The referring adviser or subject teacher has previously given the concerned students adequate warning and appropriate corrective action such as dialogue, reminder, advice, but such actions have been ignored.
  3. The SDR and other necessary forms are adequately accomplished and the pertinent data required are clearly stated by the referring adviser or subject teacher.
  1. The subject teacher and class adviser must immediately inform the principal of the incident that needs speedy action.
  2. The Prefect calls the student/s concerned informing him/her of the offense/misbehavior or alleged offense upon the referral of the adviser/ subject teacher. 
  3. The student/s (aggressor and the aggrieved/defender) will be asked separately to explain or share his/her part during the conference. 
  4. The Committee on School Discipline (COPD) through the Prefect and the cooperation of the adviser calls student/s for a conference informing them of the possible sanction/s.
  5. The COPD through the Principal as the chairman gives appropriate sanction/s to the student based on the results of the investigations and records.
  6. The Parents will be recalled for a conference. During the conference the Principal as the chairman gives appropriate sanction/s to the student based on the results of the investigations and records. The parent/s shall be notified of the conference three days before the conference.
  7. Failure of the parents and concerned student to come on the appointed schedule for conference would mean automatic implementation of the sanction.
  8. In case of appeal, the parents of the concerned student should address their letter to the Principal. The Principal elevates the matter to the Director for Basic Education who will in turn convene the Committee on School Discipline for further investigation and deliberation. The final decision is given by the University President in consultation with the Basic Education Director and the Committee.
  9. It is to be understood that referrals, either minor or major disciplinary actions, are RECOMMENDATORY in nature, and are subject to further investigation and clarification by the school Committee on Student Discipline (COSD).
  1. Referral of Disciplinary Cases Involving Students from Different Units

Following the standing protocols in addressing misbehaviors of students, the principal and through his designated representative shall take the following steps:

  1. Notify immediately the attention of the unit heads of the other units.
  2. Conduct initial investigation of the incident using the SDR Form.
  3. The principal who has witnessed the incident shall submit his initial result of the investigation to the head of the other units.
  4. The erring students shall be separately investigated by their respective principal or through his authorized representative.
  5. If the pertinent data are gathered the principals of the two units shall convene and reconcile them. If there are conflicting data, the students shall be called together for conferences. This shall be facilitated and attended by the heads of the two units and their designated personnel.
  6. When the data gathered have been reconciled, and the offender/s has been determined, the two heads and their designated personnel shall determine together the appropriate sanction to be given.
  7. The principal to whom the erring students belong shall give the sanction during the parent’s conference.

Any case appealed to the Committee on Student Discipline (COSD) shall be resolved through a disciplinary conference/hearing to ensure that due process is observed. The following are the guidelines:

  1. The concerned parties will be properly notified at least three days before the date and time of the conference/hearing.
  2. The members of the COSD shall be given copies of the complaint, the response and other pertinent documents.
  3. The conference/hearing shall be recorded.
  4. Parties may speak for themselves and present their respective evidence.
  5. COSD may call any witness to testify at the conference/hearing.
  6. If the complainant fails to appear at the conference/hearing without any excusable reason, the COSD may dismiss the complaint for lack of interest.
  7. If the respondent fails to appear at the conference/hearing without any excusable reason, he/she may be declared in default and denied the right to present evidence.
  8. After the conferences/hearings, the COSD shall make a recommendation to the Director for Basic Education. The final decision is given by the University President in consultation with the Director for Basic Education and the Committee.

Categories of Administrative Penalties (Sec. 136, MRPS)

  1. Warning/ Reprimand

 A reprimand is a written or oral disapproval addressed to an erring student.

  1. Oral Warning. Oral reproach is given to an erring student.
  2. Student’s Discipline Report (SDR). This is a written report issued by persons in authority who have witnessed an action unbecoming of a Notre Damean. The report is then entered in the Individual Anecdotal Record.
  3. Major Violation Report. This is a written notice to the parents of the student who committed major violations. This report is sent to parents to come for a conference whose child has committed the offense based on the investigation.
  1. Suspension

Suspension is a penalty in which the school is allowed to deny or deprive an erring student’s attendance in classes for a period not exceeding (20%) of the prescribed class days for the school year or term. Moreover, it is a penalty imposed on the student who has been guilty of consistent misbehavior or a single serious offense. The length of the suspension varies according to the gravity/ seriousness of the offense and is determined by the Prefect of Discipline. A parent conference shall be called before the suspension takes effect and the subject teachers will be informed upon the effectivity of the suspension. 

There are two kinds of suspension: 

  1. On Campus Suspension. This type of suspension which prohibits attendance in regular classes but demands the pupil’s presence in school. This is for one day or more wherein the student will be required to make a special task such as book reporting, essay writing, picking up garbage around the school premises, and other task which will not constitute child abuse.
  2. Off Campus or Preventive Suspension. This type of suspension which forbids attendance in regular classes one day or more and demands the pupil to stay at home.

In case the safety and security of the victim or the offender will be at stake, a modular approach in self-instructional delivery will be given to the concerned student as part of the provisions of restorative justice under the Republic Act No. 9344 otherwise known as Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006. The student will be assessed with a corresponding fee based on the duration of the modular approach. 

  1. Restitution

Restitution is a reimbursement or payment for damage, destruction, or misappropriation of school property of any member of the school community. This supplements other principal sanctions.

  1. Retribution

This sanction requires recompense of misbehavior. The recompense may be in a form of service or community work related to the offense committed or pay for what has been lost. This may be imposed alone or coexist with other sanctions.

  1. Exclusion /Advised to Transfer 

It is a penalty in which the school is allowed to exclude or drop the name of the erring student from the school rolls for having undesirable behavior, and transfer of credentials to be issued after an appropriate time. Dismissal is a final and irrevocable withdrawal from the school. The student is deprived of further continuing study in the school.

  1. Expulsion

 It is an extreme penalty on an erring student consisting of his/her exclusion from admission to any public or private school in the Philippines and which requires the approval of the Secretary of the Department of Education. 

The decision of the school on every case involving the penalty of expulsion, together with the supporting papers shall be forwarded to the Regional Office concerned within ten days from the termination of the investigation of each case. (Sec. 136 – 2010e, MPRS)


    What is bullying? Bullying is a form of violence that hurts others. Bullying happens in school or during school-sponsored activities when a student or group of students intentionally and repeatedly uses their power to hurt other individuals or groups. Bullying can be physical, social, verbal, emotional, electronic, gender-based or indirect.

Bullying includes:

  1. Physical Bullying – unwanted physical contact
  • Punching  
  • Shoving
  • Slapping
  • Pushing
  • Attacking
  • Fighting
  • Tickling
  • Headlocks
  • Slapping
  • Pranks resulting to physical injury
  • Other acts that hurt pupil/student physically
  1. Social Bullying – refers to any deliberate, repetitive and aggressive social behavior intended to hurt or belittle an individual
  • Name calling
  • Cursing
  • Labelling
  1. Emotional Bullying – refers to any act that causes damage to a victim’s emotional well-being
  • Spreading bad rumors about people
  • Keeping certain pupils out of the group
  • Teasing pupils in mean ways
  • Getting people to “gang up” on others
  • Verbal threats, blackmailing, proposing dangerous dares
  • Taunts, insults, name calling
  • Harassment
  • Provocation
  • Lying to hurt internally and externally
  • Tormenting
  • Commenting on victim’s looks, clothes and body
  1. Electronic Bullying (Cyber Bullying) – any bullying done through the use of technology or any electronic means
  • Sending mean-spirited or hurtful text, e-mail or instant messages
  • Posting inappropriate pictures or messages about others in blogs, or on web sites
  • Using someone else’s user name to spread rumors or lies about someone
  • Texting
  • Chatting
  • Online games
  1. Gender-based bullying – refers to any act that humiliates or excludes a person on the basis of perceived or actual sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI)

What Students can do to help?

If you have been bullied:

  • Tell the person who is bullying you to stop.
  • Report it immediately to your teacher (adviser or any subject teacher).
  • Do not fight back or use other things to cause harm to the other person. Let the teacher or the prefect deal with the bully.

What to do if you are a “bystander”? (who witnessed bullying)

  • Tell those who are bullying to stop.
  • Report the incident immediately to the Prefect or any person in authority.
  • Do not join, in-being a part of the group which is bullying, is just bad as being a bully.

What are the consequences for bullying?

Bullying is a second category offense. Series or acts of bullying can result to suspension or dismissal from the school.



    If the bullying incident or retaliation resulted in serious physical injuries or death, the case shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act 9344 or the “Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act,” as amended, and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, in connection with other applicable laws, as may be warranted by the circumstances attendant to the bullying incident.


Offenses are categorized into three: Offenses Subject to Minor Disciplinary Measures, Offenses Subject to Non‐Readmission or Exclusion, Offenses Subject to Expulsion:

First Category: Minor Misbehavior

1st Offense2nd Offense3rd Offense4th Offense5th Offense6th Offense
1ST CategoryMinor OffenseOral Reprimand from the Class adviser/ Subject teacher,  Require the offender to give an oral apology to the aggrieved student/ teacher/ other school personnelWritten Warning Using the ChecklistConference with the adviserReferral slip for Guidance Office/ SPED Coordinator/ Conference with the POPDConference with the Parents, Adviser and POD FIRST WarningSECOND Warning from POPD in consultation with the COSDSuspension 2 days on Campus Suspension

1. Offenses Subject to Minor Disciplinary Measures (FIRST CATEGORY):

  1. Creating distractive noise while class activity is going on
  2. Giving uncalled comments during class activity
  3. Engaging in rough play resulting to minor injury
  4. Habitual absenteeism (thrice in a week) 
  5. Habitual Tardiness (ten times in a week without valid reason)
  6. Petty lying/dishonesty
  7. Teasing 
  8. No excuse letter for an absence/tardiness
  9. Shouting and utterance of foul words
  10. Gambling
  11. Improper Uniform or Incomplete uniform
  12. Failure to secure from the late in charge the ADMISSION SLIP before A.M. or P.M. class hours
  13. Being inattentive; sleeping during class hours
  14. Eating inside the classroom during class hours
  15. Chewing gum or munching in the line formation, during group activities or during class hours
  16. Transferring seats without the expressed permission of the subject teacher
  17. Refusing to follow the classroom rule for the preservation of peace and order
  18. Series of failure to bring the necessary textbooks, or other subject requirements and other specific requirements necessary to the completion of an activity.
  19. Failing consistently to bring materials that are needed for performance task or product making 
  20. Copying an assignment or allowing a classmate to copy one’s assignment
  21. Unprescribed/improper haircut e.g. long hair for boys, or Colored hair for the girls
  22. Disobedience to the rules of the classroom, canteen, chapel, library, computer and science laboratories and other venues or facilities rules
  23. Staying in places that are declared “OFF LIMITS” at a particular time of the school.
  24. Failure to clean the classroom on the day assigned
  25. Writing on classroom walls, chairs and blackboard using permanent pen or paint
  26. Littering in the campus
  27. Sitting on the teacher’s tables
  28. Defacing and non-wearing of the school ID
  29. Putting of unauthorized stickers on ID
  30. Howling/booing including boisterous laughter
  31. Cutting of classes
  32. Loitering at the corridors during class periods
  33. Unauthorized posting and/or removing from official bulletin boards any official posted materials
  34. Having/Getting any form of tattoos
  35. Bringing of toys, MP3 or MP4 player, iPod, game consoles unless authorized by the teacher 
  36. Playing deck of cards
  37. Other offenses not specifically stated but considered minor offenses by the school authorities or by the faculty members


1st Offense2nd Offense3rd Offense4th Offense
2ND CategoryMajor MisbehaviorOffense on Record/ Referral slip for GC/SPED Coordinator, Conference with the parents/ guardians2 Days suspensionConference with the Parents, adviser and  POPD/Major Violation Notice to Parents, FIRST Warning = 3days suspension with *special task2nd  Warning -5 days suspension with special task FINAL WarningADVISED TO TRANSFER/ EXCLUSION

*Special Task refers to community service or retribution. 

  1. Bullying (in any form)
  2. False accusation of bullying
  3. Vandalism, destruction of school properties, tearing book pages
  4. Fighting in the classroom and in campus
  5. Obscene writing and drawing
  6. Disrespect for school personnel
  7. Willful disobedience of the person in authority
  8. Threatening of fellow pupil/student
  9. Physical assault on any person (such as pupil/student, teacher, school authority or superior)
  10. Habitual disregard of established policies and regulations
  11. Jumping over the fence/ leaving school without permission 
  12. Plagiarism of project and paper assignment
  13. Cheating or facilitating academic dishonesty
  14. Stealing test papers/or passing the same to others
  15. Smoking and drinking liquor in the campus
  16. Desecration of sacred species (i.e. host and wine), sacramental, vestments, statues and sacred places.
  17. Using someone else’s I.D. or allowing others to use one’s I.D.
  18. Forging of signature
  19. Theft/ Stealing (Minor forms of stealing)
  20. Deliberate lying/ denial
  21. Fighting on and off-campus, and involving in a fight.
  22. Instigating others to fight 
  23. Unauthorized collection of money, or other instruments used as equivalents of money
  24. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, classes or schoolwork
  25. Insult/slander committed against any pupil, teacher, staff, and administrator 
  26. Making, publishing or circulating false information about the school, its officials, faculty, staff and/or pupils
  27. Extorting or blackmailing
  28. Possessing, reading, and/or distributing pornographic materials inside the school premises
  29. Deliberate utterance of inappropriate, profane or abusive, obscene and vulgar language
  30. Engaging in lewd, indecent, obscene, or immoral conduct within or outside the school especially when  the good name of the school is in jeopardy
  31. Vandalism (which is the willful destruction of any school property that includes tearing off or defacing any library books, magazines, or periodicals; destroying furniture such as arm chairs, tables, cabinets; breakage of glass windows, showcases, cabinet doors, devices, equipment, facilities, and other similar offenses). Damaged material shall be paid for according to assessed value. (Restitution)
  32. Engaging in sexual acts within the school premises such as dating in the classroom, public display of affection, and petting and necking
  33. Pregnancy out of wedlock 
  34. Frequent disregard to school rules and regulations
  35. Catching male and female students together in the toilet
  36. Any other offenses not specifically stated but considered major offenses by the school authorities or by the faculty members

3. Offenses Subject to Expulsion depending on the seriousness of the offense:  (Manual of Regulations for Private Schools in Basic Education, 2011)

3RD Category
1st Offense
Conference with the ParentsEXPULSION as penaltyPapers shall be forwarded to the Regional Office concerned within ten days from the termination of the investigation of the case (Sec. 136 – e, MPRS)
  1. Gross misconduct e.g. Conviction in court of a criminal offense
  2. Deliberate and grave dishonesty 
  3. Hazing
  4. Carrying deadly weapons
  5. Immorality e.g. Sexual immorality (pre-marital sex, prostitution, illicit affairs – such must be proven or supported with concrete evidence) 
  6. Sexual harassment 
  7. Selling and/ or possession of prohibited drugs, such as marijuana
  8. Drug dependency
  9. Drunkenness
  10. Hooliganism
  11. Vandalism
  12. Other serious school offenses such as assaulting a pupil or student or school personnel
  13. Instigating or leading illegal strikes or similar concerted activities resulting in the stoppage of classes 
  14. Preventing or threatening any pupil or student or school personnel from entering the school premises or attending or discharging their duties 
  15. Forging or tampering with school records or school forms, and securing or using forged school records, forms and documents 
  16. Possession of deadly firecrackers or weapons which can cause death or injury to others
  17. Extortion or asking money from others 

In case the student involved is suspected or identified as Child with Special Needs, the following procedures shall be undertaken:

  1. The teacher will submit a Student Discipline Report to the Coordinator for Children with Special Needs for appraisal.
  1. The SPED Coordinator will assess if the behavior of the child is within the spectrum of Children with special needs.
  1. After the evaluation of the incident, the child will be given a Parent’s Conference Form for the schedule of parents’ conference with the Principal. The school Guidance Counselor, Prefect of Discipline, adviser, SPED Coordinator will be present during the conference.
  1. During the conference, the adviser will bring the anecdotal record and present the observations and offenses incurred by the student. The parents will be also asked if such behavior and observations of the school personnel is the same way is observed by the parents at home. 
  1. In case the pupil/student is identified as a child with special needs by a developmental pediatrician, the parents will be advised to provide the school with the doctor’s impression or report of the therapeutic intervention. 
  1. The parents will sign the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) as to when they can provide the school with the medical report from the developmental pediatrician / behavioral therapist. The committee on school discipline will sign as witnesses of the MOA.

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Notre Dame University
For Social Transformation in Central Mindanao
Notre Dame Avenue, Rosary Heights III
Cotabato City, Philippines
(064) 421-2698